Sustainable shipping solutions at EMS – Carbon neutral
processes for a minimal carbon footprint
In light of the current global climate crisis, we believe that it is essential to take responsibility for the impact our products and services have on
the environment. Therefore, we are committed to reduce our carbon emissions. As a forerunner in the highly specialized market for vessel replacement parts, we are motivated to run a sustainable and environmentally friendly shipping service and to provide maximum transparency
of our logistic processes. In the following, we will outline a few of the strategic decisions we have made in order to effectively reduce our carbon footprint.
EMS' sustainability mission in a nutshell
- Use of eco-friendly, biodegradable packaging material
- Sustainable packaging procedures
- Collaboration with UPS’ Carbon Neutral Program
Eco-friendly packaging materials
The packaging industry accounts for enormous amount of waste production. The EU estimates that each European citizen produces approximately 31kg of packaging waste each year, individual country rates are far more tangible: in Germany alone, each person is
estimated to produce over 150kg of packaging waste per year, with figures on the increase. Moreover, the European packaging industry
is highly unregulated therefore member countries of the EU are relatively free to operate by their own laws for waste control and disposal.
As a distributor, we are deeply conscious of our packaging waste footprint, wherefore we are committed to reduce the environmental
impact of our services. We use eco-friendly packaging materials and strive to run a sustainable packaging process by recycling a large
part of the waste we produce. Our goal is to pursue a packaging system with as little waste as possible.
Paper packaging materials
We use paper packaging materials such as delivery bags, paper tape and filling material for our deliveries. Here‘s why:
- recyclable
- 100% biodegradable
- soluble in water
- simple recycling procedures facilitate regional decomposition
- lightweight and robust
- vegan-friendly
By comparison, plastic alternatives are far less sustainable. Here‘s why we decided against them:
- not 100% biodegradable
- made with non-renewable fossil fuels
- 400 years or longer average composting time
- polluting: at current rates it is expected that, by 2050, plastics in the oceans will outweigh fish
- wildlife threatening: nearly 700 species are fatally affected by plastics
- dangerous chemicals pose health risks
- ethical concerns for fueling waste economies
Lightweight pallets
We use novel, eco-friendly pallets whose compact, lightweight format helps us reduce carbon emissions in our logistic activities. We save up to 75% of packing weight compared to a regular euro-pallet. As a result, we avoid carbon emissions with every single delivery to our customers.
In addition, we also avert carbon emissions during the transport to our facility, due to the immense stackability, shown on the above picture.
Sustainable packaging procedures
We strictly advise all our suppliers to avoid using plastic packaging materials. Nevertheless, we receive parts from suppliers from all over the world, leaving us with a lot of waste, much of which is not fully biodegradable. Consequently, we have installed sustainable packaging procedures in our mission to pursue a minimal waste system.
- We re-use and recycle a large amount of the packaging material we receive from our suppliers, with the intent to guarantee a sustainable packaging system
- We use ecological printing technologies to help us reduce our paper waste and spare toner ink. All our labels are sustainable, vegan-friendly and locally printed in Hamburg
Green shipping technology with UPS' Carbon Neutral Program
We are using UPS‘ Carbon Neutral Shipping, which means we compensate our caused carbon emissions during the transport process. Simultaneously, we support urgent projects for sustainable development with a strong ecological focus around the world. Here‘s how it works:
When we receive or deliver a package, UPS monitors the carbon emissions generated in the logistic process. It then matches the revenue generated from this delivery to finance a number of environmental projects for sustainable development. The aim is to counterbalance
the level of carbon emissions generated by each delivery within the Carbon Neutral Program.
For instance, the Community Reforestation Project in Uganda initiates large scale reforestation activities and pays out a fair salary to local farmers who participate. With over one third of Uganda‘s forests degraded by invasive agricultural activities, the Reforestation Project comes
at an urgent time for the country. It also provides an essential financial backbone to farming communities whose livelihood largely depends
on the endangered forestland.
Another successful project backed by UPS is the SELCO Solar Energy Access Project in India. A joint initiative between SELCO and Natural Partners, this program aims to improve access to clean solar energy in rural areas of India as a means to support economic growth in over
20,000 low-income households each year. Under the sister project ''Light for Education'', SELCO equips schools with modern educational technology and distributes solar lamps to students to facilitate home study hours in the absence of daylight.
The two projects outlined here are just some examples from a wide range of initiatives supported by UPS. For more information, visit:
- Project certified by SGS -
We constantly improve the sustainability of our processes and decrease our carbon footprint.
Not just for us at EMS, but for all of us, it is a ongoing challenge to reduce CO2 emission and overcome the climate crises.
For further information regarding EMS' sustainability mission,
please contact Sascha von Koss at
- Harrington, Rebecca. “By 2050, the Oceans Could Have More Plastic than Fish.” Business Insider
- Parker, Laura. “The World's Plastic Pollution Crisis Explained.” Plastic Pollution Facts and Information, 7 June 2019, National Geographic
- Sheppard, Emma. “The War on Waste: 'Every Item from Our Daily Life Needs to Become Part of the Circular Economy'.”, 1 Oct. 2019, The Guardian
- Pongrácz, Eva. (2007). „The Environmental Impacts of Packaging“.
This campaign was commissioned by